Author: spacecoyote
Hello! I’m pop-culture artist Nina Matsumoto, a.k.a. “space coyote.” I pencil for Simpsons Comics -- for which I've won an Eisner Award -- and design stylish video game apparel for Fangamer. I've illustrated and translated for the cult-hit Japanese reality series Game Center CX. I'm also the creator of the critically-acclaimed English manga series Yokaiden. My work can be seen in books, comic anthologies, posters, cover art, merchandise... Do you attend comic book or video game conventions? You've probably seen one of my Shirts. I draw in a variety of styles, and it takes me to interesting places!
I always have projects on the go, but if you're interested in hiring me, visit my Contact page and check out my Art and Resume.

Samurai Shodown – Bushido Spirit

Darkest Dungeon – Darkest Heroes

Windjammers – Sideburner

Free Ride

SGDQ Cart-Kun Tank

Undertale – Undying

SteamWorld Dig – Gold Digger

Mega64 – Haunted Mansion

Floral Fantasy

Hyper Light Drifter – Judgment

Mass Effect – Archangel

Dark Chaos

Shovel Knight – Specter Knight

Retro Pixels Pattern

Gunvolt – Luminous